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Accounting for a corporate bank card

DDubai, a global hub for commerce and finance, offers a dynamic business environment for corporations of all sizes. As companies in Dubai manage their financial operations, corporate bank cards have become a staple for facilitating business transactions with ease. However, with the convenience of corporate cards also comes the need for meticulous accounting practices to ensure transparency and compliance with the region’s financial regulations. In this blog, we will explore the key aspects of accounting for a corporate bank card in Dubai, providing businesses with the knowledge they need to maintain accurate financial records and stay in good standing with regulatory authorities.

Understanding Corporate Bank Cards:

Before delving into the accounting process, it’s essential to understand what corporate bank cards are and how they function in a business setting. Corporate bank cards are issued by financial institutions to businesses to help manage company expenses such as travel, office supplies, and client entertainment. These cards simplify the procurement process and provide businesses with the ability to track expenses in real-time, often through integrated financial software.

Setting Up the Right Accounting Practices:

1.⁠ ⁠Familiarize with UAE Financial Regulations:
Businesses in Dubai must comply with the UAE’s financial regulations, including those related to the use of corporate bank cards. The UAE Commercial Companies Law and international accounting standards, such as IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), provide guidelines on proper financial reporting and record-keeping.

2.⁠ ⁠Integrate with Accounting Software:
To streamline the accounting process, corporate bank cards should be integrated with the company’s accounting software. This allows for automatic tracking of expenses and easy reconciliation of accounts. Many software solutions offer direct feeds from banks, reducing the need for manual data entry and minimizing the risk of errors.

3.⁠ ⁠Assign Card Management Responsibilities:
It’s crucial to assign specific individuals or teams to manage corporate bank cards within the company. Responsibilities may include monitoring card usage, verifying transactions, and ensuring that all expenses are legitimate and comply with company policies.

4.⁠ ⁠Implement a Clear Expense Policy:
A well-defined expense policy is key to efficient corporate bank card accounting. The policy should outline acceptable use of the card, spending limits, approval processes, and required documentation for transactions. This helps prevent misuse of company funds and provides a clear framework for accounting.

5.⁠ ⁠Regular Reconciliation and Auditing:
Monthly reconciliation of corporate bank card statements with receipts and accounting records is vital to maintain accuracy. This process helps identify any discrepancies or unauthorised transactions. Regular internal or external auditing further ensures that the company’s financial records are accurate and that card usage adheres to the set policies.

6.⁠ ⁠Educate Employees:
Educating employees on the proper use of corporate bank cards and the importance of adhering to expense policies is fundamental. Regular training sessions can help employees understand their roles in the accounting process and the consequences of non-compliance.

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Peter Jackson


Accounting for corporate bank cards in Dubai requires a structured approach that aligns with local regulations and international accounting standards. By integrating cards with accounting software, assigning management responsibilities, implementing a clear expense policy, conducting regular reconciliations and audits, and educating employees, businesses can effectively manage their corporate card expenses. As Dubai continues to thrive as a business epicenter, companies that adopt diligent accounting practices for their corporate bank cards will be better positioned to navigate financial complexities and sustain their growth in the competitive market.

The information provided in this blog is intended for general guidance and should not replace professional financial advice tailored to your specific business needs. For thorough advice please contact our sales department.

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